Was Middle America Peopled from Asia? — Ebook

History of American Inhabitants

Autores : Edward S. Morse, Martin I. Townsend
Publicação : 14/10/2019
Idioma : English
Editora : LM Publishers
ISBN : 9782366598247
Categorias : História / ESTADOS UNIDOS / GERAL, História / INDÍGENAS, História / AMÉRICAS (NORTE

This book treats of the origin of American inhabitants.

Was Middle America Peopled from Asia?...

There are two propositions involved in the controversy as to the Asiatic origin of the American race: the one is that America was peopled from Asia by invasions or migrations in pre-glacial times; the other is that the peculiar civilization of Central America was induced by Buddhist monks, who traveled from Asia to Mexico and Central America in the fifth century of our era. Those who sustain the first thesis are without exception men trained in the science of anthropology; those who sustain the second thesis are with a few conspicuous exceptions travelers, geographers, sinologues, missionaries, and the like.

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