John Calvin and the daughters of Sarah — Ebook

Women in regular and exceptional roles in the exegesis of Calvin, his predecessors and his contemporaries

Author : John Lee Thompson
Publication : 2008-06-01
Language : English
Pages : 328
Publisher : Librairie Droz
Collections : Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance
ISBN : 9782600331708
Categories : Religion / Christianity / Protestant, Literary criticism / European / French, Religion / History, Religion / Theology, Religion / Christianity / Calvinist, Literary criticism / Renaissance

Calvin encouraged female education and, with other reformers, positively reevaluated marriage. This study focuses on the place of women in his exegesis, both Old and New Testament, comparing it with that of his predecessors, especially Augustine, Chrysostom and the Ambrosiaster, and her contemporaries, Luther, Bullinger, Musculus and Pierre Martyr Vermigli.

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