The Innovation Process — Ebook

How Knowledge is Generated

Author : Stefan Lettig
Publication : 2024-07-11
Language : English
Pages : 216
Publisher : Éditions EMS
Collections : Business Science Institute
ISBN : 9782386301131
Categories : Business & economics / Management

The book offers insights and strategies to help companies and managers generate and manage knowledge, enabling the successful implementation of innovations and digitalization projects. It outlines the customer and employee engagement activities necessary to transform information into actionable knowledge.

By addressing the pragmatic applicability of the innovation process for fostering a growth mindset and customer centricity, the book emphasizes that information becomes knowledge only when sorted and given context and made usable by the company.

Developed using case studies and interviews from the financial services, life sciences, and technology industries, the book introduces a pragmatic innovation process and knowledge generation framework. It presents seven practical guidelines to support managers in achieving their innovation goals.

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