Society and Solitude, Love and Friendship — Ebook

Author : Ralph Waldo Emerson
Publication : 2019-10-10
Language : English
Publisher : LM Publishers
ISBN : 9782366597967
Categories : Philosophy / Essays

Content :

- Society and Solitude

- Love

- Friendship

“We have known many fine geniuses with that imperfection that they cannot do anything useful, not so much as write one clean sentence: 'T is worse, and tragic, that no man is fit for society who has fine traits. At a distance, he is admired; but bring him hand to hand, he is a cripple. One protects himself by solitude, and one by courtesy, and one by an acid, worldly manner,—each concealing how he can the thinness of his skin and his incapacity for strict association. But there is no remedy that can reach the heart of the disease, but either habits of self-reliance that should go in practice to making the man independent of the human race, or else a religion of love. Now he hardly seems entitled to marry; for how can he protect a woman, who cannot protect himself?...”

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