Electronic book Historic Art in America

Historic Art in America — Ebook

Author : History and Civilization Collection
Publication : 2017-04-16
Language : English
Publisher : Editions Le Mono
ISBN : 9782366594515
Categories : History / Civilization, Art / History / Medieval, History / United States / General, Art / American / General, Art / History / General

This book deals with the prehistoric and historic arts in America, with several illustrations. In America, eminent archaeologists and enthusiastic collectors have eagerly studied all that relates to the past of the human race. With the aid of their publications and the photographs they have distributed with rare liberality, we are able to follow the ancient populations in their migrations from the shores of the Atlantic and the Pacific, to study their habits and their progress, and to show that among them also art was born at a very early epoch, and that it grew up with the generations.

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